The Top Ten CBSE Schools in Coimbatore
The names included in the top ten CBSE schools in Coimbatore often change depending on the topic discussed or the category as well as the standards. After all, no school is perfect. Like children, the CBSE Schools in the Coimbatore District have their own unique characteristics and specialisations. Thus, when finding the top ten CBSE schools in Coimbatore , you must be specific. These institutions are ranked according to specific categories such as: Class 10 and 12 exams ranking CBSE conducts two major examinations every year in the month of March. One for class 10 and the other for class 12. Students need to obtain 33% to pass the class 10 exams and get promoted to higher secondary high school. They should also obtain 33% of both theory and practical examinations to get promoted and permitted to pursue college. Based on the results of the exams, schools are ranked. Scores have been computed using the percentage score in all the subjects included in the ...