CBSE School in Coimbatore - Major Advantages over Other Board Schools


Whether you should opt for CBSE school in Coimbatore or ICSE or state board school has always been a never-ending debate. One thing is clear. Each of them has pros that make them attractive for the people and parties who defend them. As for CBSE schools in Coimbatore, the following advantages are the qualities that set them apart.



1. Focuses on skill development

Content is widely available on the internet and other types of resources. Access to information is not a major problem. Skill development is. To address this, CBSE designed a curriculum that helps students apply the theoretical concepts that are taught in school. In other words, the curriculum tells students what to do with the information that they got to enrich learning.


2. Promotes experiential learning


The board discourages rote learning or memorization. In a CBSE school in Coimbatore, students gain a deeper understanding of topics through experiential learning. They don't recall facts but make sense of meaning as they perform experiments, test their ideas, and get exposed to various classroom and outdoor activities.


3. Prepares students for competitive exams


Students are prepared to take and pass competitive exams in Engineering and Medicine. This is definitely one of the major advantages of studying in a CBSE school in Coimbatore. The school does not only lay emphasis on Math and Science subjects—they also use NCERT textbooks where major exams and competitive exams are based. Also, they administer the same type and pattern of exams that IAS/IFS use. This way, their students are getting trained to answer such difficult tests and are more likely to get high scores.


4. Develops life skills


CBSE schools also prepare students for the world of work by developing life skills, including problem-solving, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. For higher secondary students, most schools also provide subjects like entrepreneurship and business writing.



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