How to Improve Your Score in Exams in Less Time

Exams are an unavoidable part of student life. They’re an effective way for kids to measure their learning and catch up to their peers. But, at the same time, exams can be quite difficult. It’s not uncommon for students to score less-than-favourable marks during tests, especially in highly competitive CBSE syllabus schools in Coimbatore.

Still, this doesn’t mean struggling children can’t pass an exam with flying colours. If you want your kids to receive better marks this 2023-24, consider these expert tips:

·        Participate in class

One big mistake students make in school is failing to listen in class. Many kids think they can simply review their lessons after school, but this can be more harmful than beneficial.

Class participation encourages kids to become more involved in their lessons, actively processing information and engaging their brains. A good strategy for better participation is to take notes, which helps students improve their memory.

According to research, students forget 60% of what they’ve learned after a day. By taking down notes, kids can review the topics they cannot recall and prepare more effectively for upcoming examinations.

·        Manage your time

Time management is one of the most crucial skills a student must master. After all, kids need to balance their time between work, play, and rest, especially during exam season at CBSE syllabus schools in Coimbatore.

When it comes to exams, students should never wait until the last minute to start preparing. It’s best to dedicate at least one week to studying, slowly going through their review materials rather than cramming everything in a single day.

You can help your child manage their time more effectively by creating a well-balanced study schedule. Make sure to leave time for breaks between study sessions and keep distractions away from their study area.

·        Get to know the SQ3R method.

Most exams are based on lessons from textbooks and reading assignments. In this case, one of the most effective study methods is SQ3R: survey, question, read, recall, and review.

Surveying involves skimming—not reading—each chapter covered in the exam. The purpose of this step is not to overwhelm students with too much information but to give them a general idea of what to expect.

While scanning through their material, make sure your child pays attention to each chapter’s headings, subheadings, and introductions. Allow them to develop questions about the different topics, actively searching their textbook for answers.

Finally, it’s time for your child to complete the 3Rs: read, recall, and review. Reading helps improve the understanding of a topic and provides a more in-depth answer to your child’s previous questions. To ensure they’ve paid attention to the material, ask them to recall important points by summarising the information. Lastly, challenge them to review their questions by answering without referring to their books.

·        Practice good test-taking habits.

It’s natural for your child to feel nervous on the day of their exam.However, don’t forget to remind them that it’ll all be over soon—they just need to do their best. During the exam, make sure your child reads each question carefully and follows instructions to avoid confusion. In addition, encourage them to double-check each answer, ensuring that they don’t lose points due to simple mistakes.


Exams can be difficult and highly competitive, but they’re not impossible to understand. With a little bit of patience and commitment, your child can improve their grades and excel at CBSE syllabus schools in Coimbatore, like SSVM School of Excellence.

SSVM School of Excellence is a CBSE-affiliated school offering classes for Pre-Kindergarten to Class X students. Contact the institution now to learn more about its admission process and academic programme this 2023-24 academic year.



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