
Showing posts from August, 2024

Personalised Learning to Meet Unique Student Needs

  Every student is unique, but traditional teaching does not seem to reflect this fact. Classroom lectures, standardized tests, and one-size-fits-all curricula do not consider the diversity among students when it comes to their learning styles, abilities, and interests.   Think of it like this: If you are a visual learner (which studies claim about 65% of the general population are) and your teacher uses lectures as the primary means of information dissemination, then you may not be able to grasp the lesson as well as someone who is an auditory learner. Vice versa, if you prefer to learn by listening, then a visual-heavy teaching style may not be as effective for you.   So, how does the best school in Coimbatore manage this diversity in learning needs and ensure that every student gets the most out of their education? The answer lies in personalised learning.   Personalised learning   Students absorb information in unique ways and have different speeds for understandi

Exploring the World: The Benefits of School Field Trips and Excursions

  Field trips and excursions are some of the most exciting and memorable experiences for students. They will either get to visit a new place, try new things, or participate in activities they may not have access to on a regular school day. But more than just a fun outing, school field trips and excursions offer numerous benefits that contribute to the holistic development of students. Even Coimbatore's best CBSE schools integrate them into their programs in one form or another.   However, field trips have their own set of challenges. For one, they can be expensive and logistically challenging to organise. Then, there's the risk that something will go wrong, be it a student getting injured or lost or the trip turning out to be less educational than expected. So why do schools still plan and conduct field trips?   The answer is simple: because the benefits far outweigh the potential challenges. Here are some of the reasons why international schools in Coimbatore contin

Fueling Academic Success with Balanced Nutrition

  A well-balanced diet supports not just physical health but also the mind’s ability to think and learn. This is why parents must focus on their child's diet and understand which food and nutrients will best aid their learning skills.   Here is what Coimbatore's best CBSE schools have to share about how nutrition influences a student's performance:   Improved cognitive function   Studies indicate that eating a lot of trans and saturated fats can hurt learning and memory. If children do not get the right food early on, they might think less clearly and find it harder to learn at school. When students eat nutritious food, it helps them stay focused, think better, and have more energy all day. Hence, the food children consume has a direct impact on their school performance.   Fewer absences due to illness   Poor nutrition can make students more likely to fall sick and miss school. Inadequate vitamins and minerals weaken their bodies, which increases the ch

How to Foster a Growth Mindset in Students

  Having a growth mindset—the belief that their abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort, practice, and perseverance—is essential for the success of any student. Here are some practical ways by which the best school in Coimbatore fosters a growth mindset in their learners.   Praise effort, not just intelligence   When a child is praised for their effort, it encourages them to keep trying and pushes them to work harder. The best schools in Coimbatore believe in praising our students' efforts and hard work rather than just their intelligence or natural abilities.   While natural abilities are indeed something to be proud of, praising these alone tends to reinforce a fixed mindset, where the child believes that their abilities are set in stone and cannot be improved. Praise for effort, on the other hand, promotes a growth mindset as it teaches students that hard work and perseverance are the keys to success.   So, instead of saying "You are so

The Impact of Nutrition on Student Performance

  Students are prone to many food-related issues, such as hunger, obesity, and poor nutrition, which, unfortunately, can impact their academic and extracurricular performance. If your child spends most of their day in school, you should pay more attention to their diet and ensure they are eating enough. With proper nutrition, your child can think clearly and have enough energy throughout the day.   Here at SSVM School of Excellence, we pride ourselves on the  best schools in Coimbatore and schools in Coimbatore  when it comes to caring for our students. In addition to ensuring their academic excellence and emotional well-being, we prioritise their physical health by encouraging regular exercise, participating in sports, and eating well. We also work with parents to ensure their children are eating well.   Studies and research are proving time and again the importance of improved nutrition and its impact on a student’s behaviour and academic performance. This is why  Coimbatore’