Personalised Learning to Meet Unique Student Needs


Every student is unique, but traditional teaching does not seem to reflect this fact. Classroom lectures, standardized tests, and one-size-fits-all curricula do not consider the diversity among students when it comes to their learning styles, abilities, and interests.


Think of it like this: If you are a visual learner (which studies claim about 65% of the general population are) and your teacher uses lectures as the primary means of information dissemination, then you may not be able to grasp the lesson as well as someone who is an auditory learner. Vice versa, if you prefer to learn by listening, then a visual-heavy teaching style may not be as effective for you.


So, how does the best school in Coimbatore manage this diversity in learning needs and ensure that every student gets the most out of their education? The answer lies in personalised learning.


Personalised learning


Students absorb information in unique ways and have different speeds for understanding concepts. Personalised learning is a method that centres on this idea. Each student receives a "learning plan" that aligns with their learning style, current skills, and interests. This method is very different from the "one size fits all" approach commonly seen in schools.


Now, given the complex and multi-faceted nature of education, how do international schools in Coimbatore manage to pull this off? Here are some strategies that the best school in Coimbatore use to personalize learning for their students.


Formative assessments


Testing can be more than just giving students grades. It can also help them learn better. This type of testing is called formative assessment, where the key purpose is to use tests as part of the learning journey. Some methods include:


     Using discussion threads

     Handing out exit tickets

     Creating opinion charts

     Conducting quizzes led by peers


These short and quick assessments can be added at almost any stage of teaching. They help make sure students stay awake and think deeply about what they are studying. Additionally, they give useful feedback for teachers to assess how well their teaching methods are working.


Education technology


Integrating technology in the classroom has been a major game-changer for personalised learning. With educational software, teachers can now track student progress and generate data on their performance based on quizzes, tests, and other assignments.


This information helps educators identify areas where students need more help or what topics they find challenging to grasp. It also enables them to adjust lessons to cater to students' needs and provide timely feedback.


Flexible seating arrangements


Traditional classroom setups with rows of desks can be uninspiring. More adaptable seating patterns provide several advantages:


     A better learning environment

     Higher student attendance

     Reduced behaviour issues


Different seating options include:


     Arranging desks in a horseshoe shape

     Forming a circle with seats

     Grouping desks into clusters

     Allowing students to stand

     Using unconventional seats like bean bags


Students engaged in personalised learning may not only have unique ways of understanding information but also specific preferences for their physical seating. This necessitates a flexible seating arrangement to meet diverse needs and enhance the learning experience.


Learning playlists


A learning playlist is a collection of tasks related to one subject. Students pick tasks from the playlist and work on them at their own speed. Each task has points, and students must earn a certain number of points to show their progress. Tasks in a playlist could include:


     Online materials

     Group projects

     Pair work

     Writing assignments

     Learning games


This system helps students who excel in different areas to focus on what they do well. It also simplifies the teacher's job, as they don't need to create individual tasks for every student but can offer a variety of activities for the entire class to choose from.


For a comprehensive, personalised learning experience, international schools in Coimbatore must use a combination of these strategies and more. After all, education is about empowering students to reach their full potential. If you are interested in enrolling your child in a school that prioritises personalised learning, visit SSVM School of Excellence at Their team of dedicated educators strives to meet each student's unique learning needs, ensuring a successful educational journey for all.



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